Tayside has 52 Munros

The world’s highest mountain is called Mount Everest

There are even mountains on other planets!! The highest mountain in the solar system is Olympus Mons which is located on Mars.

A mountain over 3000 feet is called a Munro, a Corbett is a mountain over 2,500 feet, and a Graham is a mountain over 2000 feet

Tayside’s highest Mountain is Ben Lawers (3984ft)

There are 30 number of Corbetts in Tayside

There are also mountains under the sea!

Different mountains are called names based on how high they are

Mountains can be exciting places, but also very dangerous places

It’s important to make sure you always have lots of drinking water with you when you go hillwalking. Also make sure you tell people at home where you are going and what time you’ll be back

In some mountainous areas the rivers are permanently frozen. These are called glaciers.

Scotland’s highest mountain is called Ben Nevis

Scotland has 2103 Mountains

When you go mountain climbing its important to always go with people and never go on your own

There are 16 Grahams in Tayside